Our Mission

To promote the culture of human rights, to advance the fairness and equity of the justice system and to improve access to justice, especially for socially and economically disadvantaged people.

Our Beliefs

  • A fair and equitable justice system is essential for a democratic, civil society.

  • Reform should, where possible, be based on sound research.

  • People need accurate, understandable information to have equitable access to justice.

  • Community support agencies and NGOs play a critical role in improving access to justice for disadvantaged people.

About Spotlight

Spotlight is an independent civic organization, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization aims to make the law accessible to all people in Lebanon, in particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged people.

Focus Areas

Litigation and Strategic litigation , Consultancy , Training , Awareness, Research and Advocacy.

Rule of Law & Judiciary
Sexual & Gender Based Violence
Family Laws
Civil Justice
Criminal Justice
Economic Justice
Mediation & Reconciliation
Peace & Security