Outeiba Merhebi

Outeiba Merhebi

Outeiba Merhebi is a Co-Founder of Spotlight Center for Law and Human Rights.  She has been committed to public service since 1992. She is an Attorney at Law and a human rights activist. She is certified trainer of trainers and a member of Arabic Union of Arabic training Union.  She is a member of the Human Rights Institute at Tripoli bar Association. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Law from Lebanese University Faculty of Law and a Master of Law (LLM), from University of Minnesota Law School, with a concentration in International Human Rights Law.  She was selected by the US Department of State for a one-year program of graduate study and professional development at the University of Minnesota Law School, Human Rights Center. She subsequently became one of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows for 2009-2010.  She became a fellow of John Smith Trust for good governance, social justice and rule of law in 2012.

 She is a trainer of human rights and an expert of women rights issues. She has conducted more than a hundred workshops on human rights and women rights in different issues (International Mechanism to protect human rights, 1325 UN Resolution Women, Peace and Security, CEDAW Convention, Convention of Refugees, European Court of Human Rights, domestic laws that discriminated against women in Lebanon and Arab World, and Leadership Skills) the Participants of these workshops belonged to different segments of society ; lawyers, activists from parties and organizations, students of universities . She contributes to the writing of the shadow report of civil society.

She was a Coordinator of Women Rights Program with RDFL organization 2012-2017.

She has worked as a Research Assistant at University of Minnesota law School & Human Rights

Center on two projects focusing on two subjects; 1) changing in family law over the last two decades in Islamic Countries and the impact of implementing international norms of equality in the family includes CEDAW and other human rights treaties. 2) Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural (CESC) rights. The study-explored literature on ESC rights and focused specifically on gender rights published since 2000.  

She has conducted a study about the legal status of Palestinians refugees in Lebanon, and the issues surrounding and reasons for the increase in mixed marriages, particularly between Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon. In addition to identify and analyze the national citizenship laws that affected the mixed nationality families.

She has Represented Lebanon in many conferences and workshops regional and International. She has many lectures about women's rights